株式会社サニー技研 製品サイト > The english website is translated by machine.

The english website is translated by machine.



The translated pages on our website are created using a free translation service.
As the translation is created through a computer program, the output may, at times, not reflect the original (Japanese) content in a completely accurate way. As is such, neither SunnyGiken.Inc nor the utilized translation service can be held responsible for any inconvenience or harm caused to users as a result of the translated content.
For further information, users can consult the translation site’s terms of use.



Using the “Google Translate services”, SunnyGiken.Inc Website can be translated into the following languages : English
If the browser size is more than 1100px, you can use it from the top right menu section of the website.



  • 当社製品は日本国内へのみ販売となります。海外への直接取引はしておりません。
  • 当社製品の製品保証書の適用範囲は日本国内のみとなっております。
  • 製品仕様(ソフトウェア使用許諾契約、必要なOS、取扱説明書)は、すべて日本国内向けを想定し、日本語表記となります。
  • 当社製品の海外でのご使用については、取扱説明書の製品仕様をよくご確認の上、日本国内で購入されたお客様、または海外輸出者の判断・責任の範囲において、使用いただくことを想定しています。
  • 当社製品に関する海外での問題や損害に対して、当社は一切の責任を負わないものとします。

Although we are manufacturing and selling all the products introduced in our web site, we are not doing business overseas at the moment.

However we could sell any of our products to Japanese companies instead.
So we ask you to confirm whether you can make the request for quotation via them (or via their affiliate company) in Japan.

In addition,product specifications (software license agreement, the required OS, manual), it is assumed that all Japanese domestic market, will be written in Japanese.